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Created 4-Dec-12
Modified 15-Mar-24
Visitors 158
59 photos
Lake Superior scenes converted to black and white

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Black & White
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Lake Superior, beach, black and white, clouds, drift wood, landscape, lighthouse, rocks, sky, snow, trees, water, winter

A very calm Lake Superior 2, B&WA very calm Lake Superior 1, B&W_DSC3714zBW_DSC3698zBW_DSC3696zBWSky, Clouds, Water and rocks, black & whiteAt Split Rock Lighthouse, June 2020, B&WCedar tree with sunstar, winterWinter landscape with sun star, Black & WhiteLighthouse reflecting in ice, Black & WhiteThe "Sea Stack" on a beautiful winter day 2, Black & WhiteSunny day at the Tombolo, B&WSunburst at the "Tombolo", black & whiteBlue Ice in black & whiteHollow Rock in black & white 2Hollow Rock in black & white 1Tombolo on a sunny winter day 1Tombolo on a sunny winter day 2Tombolo in a winter storm 1Tombolo in a winter storm 2