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Visitors 44
Modified 27-Nov-24
Created 5-Feb-14
67 photos

Contact me if you are interested in getting your pet photos taken. Learn more about the details here: Pet Photography
Shanti and Shiloh running in snow 5Shanti and Shiloh running in snow 2Shiloh and his shadowShiloh, Febr. '23 2Shanti & Shiloh playing in snow, Febr. 23' 3Shiloh, Febr. '23 1Shanti with ice shard, Lake SuperiorShanti & Shiloh, Dec. '22 1Shiloh, Dec. '22 2Shiloh, Dec. '22 1Shanti & Shiloh, running, Dec. '22 2Shanti at sunset, Audie Lake 1Shanti enjoying the Flambeau riverShanti at Lake Superior, Mid Dec. '21 2Shanti in autumn leavesShanti in autumn forest, chewing bark 3Shanti on path, fall 2Shanti on path, fall 1Mud PuppyShanti, 11 weeks old 1

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Pet photography, cats, dogs, pets